Friday, July 31, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009


It thrived when the Tribute blog was around, it died when Andy launched something more legit. Here is one of the many Lurkey Sandwiches that are to come, now that they have finally have found a home at Widdow Timmy's Playhouse: Home of the Lurkey Sandwich!

Gatorade? Nah fool, Merlot!

Tippers at Burnside: a re-edit from Tristan Brillanceau-Lewis on Vimeo.

Here is a re-edit of a Tribute blogpost that was posted last summer, I think. I wanted to include a song and a slam that reflected Tippers state of mind during the filming of this post. Enjoy!

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan from 48BLOCKS.COM on Vimeo.

Here is Lindsay Lohan, a video by my buddy Nikhil Thayer. I am posting this on my blog as a test for future posts, since vimeo is the recommended player and not the booty ass blogspot player. I am also posting this video because I filmed a good portion of it. I would like to say that it is an honor to have some of my footy in a video that has some of my favorite skaters! WHoopEEE!

Spencer Crimin

Tribute has been using (stealing) my footage for a long time now. After I got hired and fired they kept me on as an unpaid filmer. Actually it's all good, I live for video posts like this one of SpEEEnce.